Een jonge koning, de 845e heerser van zijn dynastie, bevindt zich in het midden van zijn troonzaal, omringd door een overvloed van de buitengewone en krachtige psychedelische vrucht die bekend staat als Durilla – een hybride van de Durian en Granadilla… Zo begint het verhaal achter deze indrukwekkende mural! Deze psychedelische visie, getiteld “The Durilla King”, komt uit het brein van de in Berlijn gevestigde street artist Nasca One. Mystieke geesten en geestige wezens; wij willen wel deel uitmaken van zijn kleurrijke wereld!

🇬🇧: A young king, the 845th ruler of his illustrious dynasty finds himself in the midst of his throne room, encircled by a veritable cornucopia of the extraordinary and potent psychedelic fruit known as Durilla —a remarkable hybrid of the Durian and Granadilla… Quite a story and that’s only the start of it! This psychedelic vision, titled “The Durilla King”, comes from the mind of Berlin-based street artist Nasca One. Featuring mystical spirits and witty creatures – you’ll want to be part of his colorful world!

Read the complete story:

The Durilla King” In the vast expanse of his kingdom, a young king, the 845th ruler of his illustrious dynasty, resides with an air of tranquility and patience. He finds himself in the midst of his throne room, encircled by a veritable cornucopia of the extraordinary and potent psychedelic fruit known as Durilla—a remarkable hybrid born from the marriage of the Durian and Granadilla.

In this surreal setting, the king is not alone. His loyal subjects, the potheads, serve as both servants and informants, gathering to bestow upon him the wisdom of the latest occurrences within his realm. Their minds, touched by the essence of Durilla, offer a unique perspective on the happenings that unfold.

Behind the king, a peculiar sight befalls the observer—a peculiar creature native to this enigmatic kingdom. These feline spirits, dwelling within the mystical Darkar desert, possess a curiosity that outweighs any malevolence. Nourishing themselves with the nourishing seeds of the Durilla fruits, they partake in the psychedelic visions that accompany their consumption. Remarkably, they even provide these intoxicating fruits to their young, thus passing down the ethereal experiences to future generations.

Amidst the surreal tapestry of his dominion, the fruit king’s intentions lie in maintaining the delicate equilibrium of consumption for these formidable plants, the divine gift bestowed upon his realm. The king, wise beyond his years, understands the importance of preserving the harmony between the people and the miraculous fruits they partake in, for they hold within them the essence of the gods themselves.